Aram Gharabekian conducts the National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia in the Sergei Aslamazyan adaptation of “Cloudy Sky” by Komitas – Garni Temple Gala Concert, Armenia.


  1. I can’t stop crying while watching this…he passed away today and its hard to believe we have lost him…may he rest in peace…

  2. This is how the sky of my home feels like, and there’s no other sky like that in the world! I love my Armenianness even more with this music.

  3. Գիշեր, Գառնի, Կոմիտաս, Ղարաբեկյան, Ֆիլհարմոնիա ու ծղրիդների երգ…
    Խենթանալ կարելի է:

  4. Unutulmuş eski acımız
    Eskimesin diye tuttum kanattım yaramı
    Kandan iz sürdüm
    Eski yol ardımızdan bakarken, yeni yol çağırır bizi şimdi

    Anılar aynamızdır dönüp baktığımız
    Acıya dokunmak sevinci geri çağırmak
    Gereklidir bu…

  5. Tenderness and pure Armenian divine soul….pure gene, heroic history, people chained to each other, to their country and culture….one can understand all this just listening to this music of My Dear Komitas Vardapet…


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